Why call Basement Detective for your mold remediation problem? The answer is simple. We have proven year after year that we are simply the best company in the business and here is why.
We start with determining what the root cause of the problem is and addressing that. Many companies have built corporate empires cleaning the mold up to simply have the problem return, in which case they gladly return to clean it up again. This is a pretty good business plan on even a small piece of paper, but we said, “why don’t we do this the right way and address the actual cause and make folks happy, thereby earning both reputation and a solid referral base?” We did and, well, it worked!
The secret to being able to provide this service is hereby no longer a secret. We hire and train excellent employees. Our technicians and our crews are absolutely top notch. Everyone has to have serious amounts of real field-working experience, seeing many various problems and solutions to be able to perform to our standard.
Mold remediation for us is simply this:
- Finding the cause.
- Explaining the cause to property owners in clear, no nonsense terms. (Some causes are outside of our scope of work and wherever possible we refer the proper companies to handle this work to get the job done. This is a very valuable service and free service – you’re welcome!)
- Writing a solution that is both reliable and affordable.
- Leaving every job site better than we found it.